Occupying 734 ft2, this laboratory, located within the clean room facility and adjacent to the HTS platform, contains capital equipment to facilitate “off-line” (pre-HTS) assay implementation and miniaturization experiments, as well as facilities for sterile cell culture and media preparation.
Compound, Reagent and Cell Dispensing: Non-contact dispensers are available for delivering reagents and cells into various well plate formats with high precision and accuracy. Collectively, these dispensers can deliver in the wide range from 0.5 to 1000 microliters. For the delivery of test compounds from compound source plates into assay plates multiple options exist: Pintools delivering from 10 to 200 nanoliters into 96-, 384- and 1536-well plates and pipettors delivering from 0.25 to 200 microliters into 96-, 384- and 1536-well plates. Pipetting is also available for preparation of control/compound source plates.
Plate Readers: Imagers capable of FLINT, FRET, TRF, TR-FRET, FP, luminescence and absorbance readings (all plate densities accepted); PMT readers capable of FLINT, FRET, TRF, TR-FRET, FP, luminescence, absorbance and AlphaScreen readings that accept 96, 384, and 1536 titer plate formats and are capable of kinetic measurements; monochromator-based readers capable of kinetic measurements in fluorescence, luminescence and absorbance mode using 96, 384, and 1536 plate densities; and a Molecular Devices FLIPRTETRA capable of real-time kinetic cell-based assays (includes 384- and 1536- liquid transfer capabilities, multi-wavelength kinetic reading, plate handling and is well suited for real-time calcium flux, membrane potential and ß-lactamase measurements). The laboratory also possesses the equipment necessary to develop High-Content Screening assays.